In October 2020, a devastating school fire broke out at Ravensdale Infant and Nursery School in Mickleover, Derbyshire. It was clear extensive rebuilding works would be required for the school to meet its reopening date of June 2022 and Link ICT was delighted to provide our long-standing client with fire disaster recovery IT support as it progressed on its journey towards restoration.
When the news headlines revealed that the school was on fire it was horrific reading for all of us at Link ICT as Ravensdale has been a loyal customer to us for many years, and as always, our IT technicians had developed great relationships with all those at the school.
Sadly, the fire also meant that a large part of their IT infrastructure was lost. Therefore, to ensure pupils could still be educated, it was decided to move a group of pupils and staff to alternative sites, and for the last 9 months at Castleward Spencer Academy and to also set up a temporary education village opposite the original site.
To help with the continuity of teaching, Link ICT set up the IT infrastructure for the new temporary village buildings and helped integrate the IT needed for the pupils moving temporarily to the Castleward Spencer Academy site.
Whilst the pupils and staff were settling into their new sites, plans were being derived in order to ensure the restoration of a newly built school, in place of the previous site, was well equipped with the latest IT technology. Link ICT was appointed to support in supplying and installing new IT equipment like Clevertouch interactive screens and a high-tech CCTV system.
As the build began and we counted down the months to the reopening and the long-awaited welcome to the staff and pupils. A lot of hard work from the amazing staff at Ravensdale and our Link ICT technicians was put in to get it perfect for when school reopened in June 2022.
We were all very excited to see it all come together and for all temporary sites to become one united, amazing school, enabling teachers and pupils to thoroughly engage with their learning and relish in their new technology.
If you would like to ensure you have a robust IT disaster recovery plan or would like to implement modern technology into your IT infrastructure to improve learning and teaching abilities, please get in touch.